YUCATA' - software use declarations/agreements and disclaimer The subject of this program package is the computer program recorded on the machine-readable carrier (diskette), pertinent operating instructions (user manual) as well as other appropriate written materials. All a fore mentioned constituents are called in the following software. Software and user manual are protected by the copyright law. The present software use treaty (called in the following use-contract) entitles the user of the program package to its use to the in the following indicated extent. Further utilization is impossible. With the acquisition of the program package the user accepts the limitations of use and liability. 1. Use scope a. The user is not entitled to amend or process the software or to connect it with other programs. He is also not entitled to change the firm name contained in the software, to change registered trademarks, copyright notes and other notes over reservations of rights and use authorizations. 2. Other rights All large rights for the use and utilization of the program package, e.g. rights in accordance with ยง 15, 34 copyright-law remain reserved. 3. Guarantee a. it is pointed out that it is not possible to develop software programs in such a way that they are error free for all application conditions. b. A large warranty does not exist. In particular no guarantee exists for the fact that the program package meets the special request of the user. The user carries the exclusive responsibility for selection, installation and use as well as for the results intended thereby. 4. Adhesion a. an adhesion for escaped gain, been missing savings, indirect damage and damages is impossible. (C) 1999-2001 Tobias Schilgen - All rights reserved.